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Meeuwis records a song with PSV players (

14 Mar 2006 - Source:

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Guus Meeuwis, a very popular Dutch singer, and a number of PSV players recorded a song in a studio on Monday afternoon for the benefit of the fight against cancer campaign. A programme on the recordings will be broadcast on Dutch national TV next Saturday night.PSV support the fight against cancer campaign the entire season in an effort to raise as much money as possible for research into children’s cancer. The players themselves have taken the initiative and the club supports them. Part of the proceeds of the players’ calendar has been donated to the fight against cancer campaign.And yesterday afternoon another campaign took place: the song 'Wees maar niet bang' (Don’t be afraid) was recorded by Guus Meeuwis in cooperation with Timmy Simons, Theo Lucius, Alex, Gomes and Edwin Zoetebier. PSV Press Officer Pedro Salazar also joined the party. The song will be performed on Dutch national TV next Saturday night, just when PSV play hosts to N.E.C. in the Philips Stadium. The television programme aims at canvassing benefactors, so that more research into cancer can be conducted. It is not the first time that PSV players record a song. Together with Thé Lau, the players recorded the song De Vriendschap (=The friendship) last year. Guus Meeuwis, who is a PSV fan, will be performing three times in the Philips Stadium in June. So on Saturday television viewers will be given an opportunity to judge the players’ vocal skills.  


  • Moens
  • Tobiasen
  • Wijker
  • Lindenbergh
  • De Cler
  • Meerdink
  • Perez
  • Van Galen
  • Robbemond
  • Elkhattabi
  • Nelisse

  • Waterreus
  • Bogelund
  • Ooijer (Faber/
  • 67)
  • Hofland
  • Bouma
  • v.Bommel
  • Vogel (v.d. Schaaf/64)
  • Bruggink
  • Rommedahl
  • Kezman
  • Robben (Vennegoor of Hesselink/76)


Yellow card(s)

  • Meerdink, Opdam (AZ) Vogel, Hofland, Robben (PSV)


  • 0-1 Ooijer (14)
  • 0-2 Kezman (36)
  • 0-3 Kezman (45)
  • 0-4 Vennegoor (85)