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Huub Stevens: 'We lost control' (

16 nov 2008 - Source:

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PSV coach Huub Stevens saw his team fight their way back into the game against Ajax after the break, but admitted that none of his players took control in Amsterdam on Sunday afternoon. 'We were simply outplayed at times. We lost control and we hardy ever won the second ball.' I maintain that good defending is an art in itself, but not all of my players have mastered that art', he said after his side's 4-1 defeat at the ArenA.
'We were simply outplayed at times'
'We did not start well, won too few challenges and gave Ajax far too much space. We did not take initiatives in the first half, although we intended to do so', explained Stevens in Amsterdam. 'We wanted to rectify things after the break and showed aggression. But I am not pleased at all by the way we conceded goals this afternoon. I maintain that good defending is an art in itself, but not all of my players have mastered that art.' Stevens took off Marcellis after the defender had sustained a hamstring injury.
Marco van Basten's analysis
His Ajax colleague Marco van Basten was obviously satisfied with his team's victory. 'I am delighted with the win. We got off to a flying start, took control and scored a fine opening goal. We were then pressed back by PSV, but regained confidence when we took the lead for the second time. I am proud of my players as they produced a spirited team performance.'


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