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MTV Europe looking for help

Football against Racism in Europe

18 feb 2003 - Reporter: DvG

The Free Your Mind Award was first presented in 1994 as MTV's initiative to raise awareness of key social issues. Each year an individual or an organisation is awarded the prize for making an outstanding achievement in the battle against intolerance and prejudice.
At the MTV European Music Awards held last November in Barcelona the Free Your Mind award 2002 was presented to FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) for its commitment towards stamping out racial abuse in football.
In acknowledgement of this MTV is producing a documentary to be aired in the build up to the Champions League final at Old Trafford, Manchester on the 28th May 2003. The programme will look at the problem across Europe, identifying the issues, documenting stories of abuse both on and off the pitch and looking at what is being done to combat racial prejudice.
MTV has contacted us in regard to a particular story. They are looking at the incidents between Arsenal and PSV during the match on 25th September 2002.
Through your website I have seen that you have a commitment to stamping racism in the game and in this respect your support in the making of this film would go some way to identifying and isolating the probelm and what is being done to eradicate it.

MTV has made up a questionaire wich can be found on the PSV Fanboard. Please fill in this questionare and send it to MTV.

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